This weekend, Sony released a new trailer for S.O.N, an upcoming survival-horror title from Red G Studios. S.O.N is set in the forests of Pennsylvania, as a troubled father searches for his missing child, the latest in a long line of disappearances to take place around Clarencaster forest.

The new teaser doesn’t really give a whole lot away, consisting entirely of a a lot of forward-striding, first-person footage under a tense, creepy atmosphere. Described as a psychological horror title, S.O.N is clearly set to put the willies up anybody of a nervous disposition, as Robert Alderson steps further into the unknown in attempts to rescue his child.

S.O.N is scheduled for release on PS4 this Holiday season.

If you like walking forward and being scared, this S.O.N trailer is for you screenshot

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Source: Destructoid If you like walking forward and being scared, this S.O.N trailer is for you