Does whatever a spider can indeed, like climb to a high, outta reach area and stay there, gloating down on your terrible attempts to throw a shoe at him. The shoes in this particular case being Square Enix’ Shadow of the Tomb Raider and 2K Games’ NBA 2K19. Jeez, let’s just abandon this metaphor right now…

It was a rough weekend for Lara, as the sales figures of the latest title in the Tomb Raider reboot series are reportedly down 70 percent on the opening sales for the 2013 Tomb Raider. Sony’s Spider-Man, however, is clearly in full in control of the premier position in the UK Charts, fending off two big releases and yet another break for the top from retro compilation Crash Bandicoot: N. Sane Trilogy. Bethesda also has reasons to be cheerful, as MMO Elder Scrolls Online made a giant leap from number 27 all the way to number eight.

Elsewhere in the charts, EA’s hockey sim NHL 19 did not fare as well as its basketball brethren, debuting at number 28. Sony’s God of War left the Top 20 for the first time since release, sitting at number 22, while adventure title Dragon Quest XI peaked from its second place debut and dropped to number 29. Still, a very successful launch for the Square Enix RPG.

Marvel's Spider-Man fights off Lara Croft and The Greek Freak to remain king of the UK Charts screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Marvel’s Spider-Man fights off Lara Croft and The Greek Freak to remain king of the UK Charts