As a reminder, most MOBAs tend to release characters in rapid succession, especially when the game is in its infancy, but teams also eye old decaying choices that fall victim to power creep in the form of “reworks.” Blizzard has been stepping up their rework game in the past year by design as they approach 82 heroes, and Brightwing and Kerrigan are next.
Brightwing is the clear highlight as she’s just been all-around buffed, with baseline heals inserted into her kit as well as an upgrade for her level 20 blink ability that grants stealth (!) and latent healing for her teammates. Kerrigan is also a bit more mobile as she now has two charges of Ravage (a short hop) and more chances to reset her cooldowns. She feels more inline with her destructive nature, at least on paper. You can take a look at both reworks below.
Oh, and we’re getting a new event: Fall of King’s Crest. It comes with some cool skins including Phantom Knight Zarya and several questlines that unlock loot on September 24. It’s a good time for Heroes content.
Source: Destructoid Brightwing is getting a pretty powerful Heroes of the Storm rework