If Earth Defense Force 5 had paid DLC that put the Mystery Science Theater 3000 silhouettes at the bottom of the screen to riff on the on-screen action, I’d buy a Season Pass. Yes, the video game equivalent of a ‘50s sci-fi B-movie about shooting giant bugs and/or UFOs is back, and it embraces the cheese. It is dumb by design, and it embraces it, and after playing a handful of missions in both EDF5 and its cousin title Earth Defense Force: Iron Rain, I couldn’t help but have fun.

Graphics? Not great. Controls? So-so. Voice acting? So, so terrible that it’s actually delightfully fantastic. I’ll bet they had a ball at the voiceover recording sessions. And that’s the beauty of this series: it realized a long time ago that if it stopped taking itself seriously and leaned in the opposite direction that it could be something different and unique. Earth Defense Force 5 is the ultimate palate cleanser from whatever deep single-player experience you’re currently soaking yourself in.

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Source: IGN.com Earth Defense Force 5 Is Cheesy By Design, and I Kind of Love it for That