A sequel to Space Jam, the 1996 Looney Tunes movie starring basketball superstar Michael Jordan, has been tossed around for the last 20 years. Now, Hollywood Reporter is stating that the movie is not only coming, but it is being produced by Black Panther director Ryan Coogler and that NBA star, three-time champion, and new Los Angeles Laker LeBron James is set to star.

The original Space Jam was made after Michael Jordan retired from basketball abruptly and began playing baseball instead. The movie was set during his 17-month retirement, where Looney Tunes characters Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, and others recruited Jordan as a ringer to help them defeat invading monsters in a basketball game. Space Jam is both ironically and unironically loved by many.

“The Space Jam collaboration is so much more than just me and the Looney Tunes getting together and doing this movie,” James told Hollywood Reporter. “It’s so much bigger. I’d just love for kids to understand how empowered they can feel and how empowered they can be if they don’t just give up on their dreams. And I think Ryan [Coogler] did that for a lot of people.”

Production is reported to begin in 2019 during the off-season.

[Source: Hollywood Reporter]

Source: Game Informer Black Panther Director Producing New Space Jam Starring LeBron James