It’s been almost exactly four years since Marvel published Death of Wolverine and took the most popular X-Man there is off the board. Death of Wolverine itself was a solid sendoff to the character, one marked by terrific art, a novel approach to depicting Wolverine’s senses and a poignant final scene. However, nothing that has followed has managed to live up to that standard. Neither the various Death of Wolverine tie-in books nor the weekly Wolverines series have done much but dilute the impact of that initial story. As for the recent Hunt for Wolverine crossover, that turned out to be a whole lot of fuss for very little payoff. The best that can be said for the entire Death and Resurrection of Wolverine meta-event is that it gave Laura Kinney and Old Man Logan a chance to shine in the absence of the original Wolverine.
Source: Wolverine's Return Finally Gets Interesting