It’s simply mind-boggling how many words have been written about soccer/football/runnykicky video games over the past two decades. When I asked the amazingly dedicated Michael Koczwara to put together a slideshow of every FIFA review IGN had ever written since the series debuted in 1996, I had no idea how deep that hole went. When I got the final number I was blown away, and immediately quizzed everyone around the office on how many they thought there were. No one – including old-timers like Peer Schneider, whose name appears on examples such as the December 1997 review of FIFA 98 for Nintendo 64 – even came close.
Have you guessed yet? This year’s FIFA 19 review, posted just yesterday, brought the all-time total to eighty six. You read that correctly: there are are 86 different FIFA reviews on IGN – an average of almost four per year, every year, for 22 years. Wow.
Source: Every IGN FIFA Review Ever