Announced at TGS yesterday, D3 publisher will be remaking the original PS2 Onechanbara games for PS4 in a bundle called Onechanbara Origin. Originally launched in 2004 and 2005, the history of this series in the West is kind of complicated. Each game has seen an enhanced re-release in Japan, while the US receives only that enhanced version. To that end, the original game was called Zombie Zone (with a Zombie Hunters re-release) and the sequel was brought over as Zombie Hunters 2. Not confusing in the slightest.

There isn’t any confirmation of a Western release yet, but we do have some screenshots that you can ogle. We also know that famed artist Katsumi Enami will be doing the art for this release. Enami is famous for a tremendous amount of anime productions and for working with Nihon Falcom on the Legends of Heroes series.

Onechanbara Origin takes us back to the beginning of the bikini samurai squad screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Onechanbara Origin takes us back to the beginning of the bikini samurai squad