Everyone is racing to catch up on recent releases before the onslaught of fantastic games next month. Mostly, that means Spider-Man or Shadow of the Tomb Raider, but Javy “the cool guy” Gwaltney is bucking the trend while Suriel is just babbling nonsense for the second week in a row. Maybe we should get him to a doctor?

Let us know what you’ll be up to this weekend in the comments below!

Brian Shea (@brianpshea) – This weekend is mostly focused on continuing my careers in NBA 2K19 and Madden NFL 19. When I’m not pretending to be more athletic than I am, I’ll probably pretend I’m more adventurous than I actually am by playing Tomb Raider.

Ben Hanson (@yozetty) – Oh man, it’s the weekend! I’ll be finishing up Insomniac’s Spider-Man for our GI Game Club finale next week! On top of Spider-Man, I’ll keep plucking away at Dragon Quest XI. I’ve played around 31 hours so far and am really enjoying my time with the game… and things just got much more interesting in the game’s story. I also plan on checking out the new battle royale on Steam called Ring of Elysium. Alright, have a good weekend!

Imran Khan (@imranzomg) – This weekend I plan to play a lot more Shadow of the Tomb Raider, which I’m not digging as much as the previous games but there’s still a lot of good there. I also realized I haven’t played 2016’s Doom yet, having gotten annoyed with the dual-analog controls on PS4, so I bought a new copy on PC and might just run through that this weekend. Beyond that, I have heard such amazingly bad things about Predator that I think I need to watch it.

Suriel Vasquez (@SurielVazquez) – Gonna try to level my boy Kiryu to see the Last Wish raid so he can finally save New York with the Avengers.

Javy Gwaltney – I think I’m going to spend a fair amount of the weekend marathoning Bojack and revisiting Undertale on Switch!

Kyle Hilliard (@KyleMHilliard) – No huge plans this weekend for better or worse. I need to hatch a Kangaskhan in Pokémon Go. There is (probably) nothing more important. My kid also wants to see The House with A Clock in Its Walls, which I am up for. I like the idea of Eli Roth tackling horror for a younger audience, and my kid likes creepy things (ParaNorman was her favorite movie for a long time), so hopefully that will be cool. Otherwise, it will be more Tomb Raiding, and I will probably keep going on The Messenger, too, which I have been enjoying.

Jill Grodt (@Finruin) – To my shame, I haven’t started on Shadow of the Tomb Raider since getting it last week, so I’m going to launch myself into playing as much as I can. I’ve also got to check Spider-Man off my list to keep up with the GI Game Club. Then maybe I’ll get a little exercise, familiarize myself with this new city, and pick up some region-exclusive Pokémon in Pokémon Go while I’m at it.

Source: Game Informer Weekend Warrior – Webbing Up Loose Ends