While virtual reality still feels gimmicky to me – perhaps as a child of the ’90s who just remembers Dactyl Attack all to well – there’s no denying it maintains an allure that pulls in the people, if not always the dollars. At EGX in Birmingham this weekend, there was a persistent throng of video game fans of all ages booking appointments to snap on the sweaty headset and travel into another world.
Various games were on offer at the PlayStation VR stand, from cyber-racer Wipeout Omega to cringey East-end gangstaaar shooter Blood and Truth. The appointment schedule was consistently booked up, showing that even if the people aren’t quite ready to stump up the cash for such an experience at home, curiosity about being one step closer to a Holodeck remains high.
Source: Destructoid My space-trippin’ time with Tetris Effect VR took me beyond the troubles of the world