With all that is going on in any given battle of Devil May Cry, the developers might be forgiven for wanting to lower the resolution or settle on a lower framerate. Not so, it turns out, as the game will actually hit 4K and 60 frames per second on the PS4 Pro. The news comes from producer Matt Walker who was asked about it on Twitter.
It will indeed. 4k@60fps on Pro. ^_^
— Matt Walker (@gypsyOtoko) September 24, 2018
While Walker almost assuredly means 4K checkerboard and not native 4K, that’s still an absolutely impressive target to hit. Walker was also asked about the Xbox One X version, but did not appear to answer, though it will presumably be similar.
Devil May Cry 5 is releasing on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on March 8.
Source: Game Informer Devil May Cry 5 Will Be 4K And 60 Frames Per Second On PlayStation 4 Pro