Season 5 has come to an end and Epic has revealed what’s new with the Fortnite Season 6 patch notes.

“Darkness Rises” is the theme for Season 6 and follows the events of the purple cube and its subsequent dissolving into Loot Lake. The theme brings a number of map changes including a floating island where Loot Lake was originally located, a haunted castle, and new corrupted areas where the runes were placed.

Shadow Stones grant players a special shadow form for 45 seconds when consumed.  Your ability to use weapons is removed but you can go invisible when standing still. Phase is a new ability that propels you forward and lets you pass through objects. You also receive increased movement speed and you’re free of any fall damage. These new items are typically found near corrupted zones.

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Source: Fortnite Season 6 Patch Notes Reveal 'Darkness Rises' Theme, Invisibility, and Pets