We are a few months removed from the release of Arika’s charismatic fighting title Fighting EX Layer, a game that was always a risky dice-roll, given the currently crowded fighting game market and FEXL’s niche brand appeal.
Arika has released a statement looking at various aspects regarding where the game stands after its honeymoon period. Opening with the admittance that sales of the PS4 download-only title “weren’t the best”, Arika do acknowledge players support in helping them release two free characters, Vulcano Russo and Pullum Purna.
Regarding the upcoming arcade release and PC port, the developer says that the decision has been made to focus on the PC release next. A lack of funding is cited, with the team asking for the community’s understanding as they attempt to keep all versions of the game in alignment with each other. Though they admit they might not be able to do so.
Source: Destructoid Arika humbly talk Fighting EX Layer sales, PC port and cross-play