Earlier this week, Kotaku reported that the ability for PSN users to change their username might finally be on the way. Implementing this feature is apparently no small task for the company, as it’s taken a long time of players and developers asking for the change to come to bear. But now that the time might finally be upon us, we want to know: Will you actually use it?
I plan to. Currently, my PSN is over ten years old, and while it’s nothing terribly offensive or embarrassing, the tag I use on the service has long since passed its expiration date, and I’ve moved on to using other tags. I’m not entirely sure what I’ll change it to: Will I use it to unify my name across gaming platforms? Do I use an entirely new one? I’m still mulling what I’ll change it to, but I have little doubt that I’ll change my username.
What about you? Are you okay with your current PSN username? Do you plan to change it? How many Xs or numbers are in it? Let us know in the comments.
Source: Game Informer Reader Discussion – When And If Sony Lets You, Do You Plan To Change Your PSN Username?