Funny To A Point - Spider-Man Screen

Spider-Man is one of the year’s most popular games, having sold faster than anyone Sony title to date. A game this wide-reaching usually has tons of players who pick the game up casually, then put it down after completing the main story, if they get that far. But as it turns out, the game seems to have its hooks (or web, or whatever) into players pretty thoroughly.

User Certinfry on message board Restera has pointed that Spider-Man is currently sitting at a 10 percent platinum trophy rate, which means that one out of ten players has gotten every trophy in the game. That might sound low, but digging through my personal trophy history and looking for similar completion rates for PlayStation 4 exclusives, it’s in the lead by a long shot. Here are the platinum trophy rates for some other recent and not-so-recent major PS4 games.

  • Horizon Zero Dawn – 6.1 percent
  • Infamous: Second Son – 5.8 percent
  • Bloodborne – 5.6 percent
  • God of War – 5.5 percent
  • Gravity Rush 2 – 5.0 percent
  • Yakuza 6: The Song of Life – 3.3 percent
  • Until Dawn – 2.9 percent
  • Persona 5 – 2.4 percent
  • Detroit: Become Human – 2.1 percent
  • Shadow of the Colossus (PS4) – 1.6 percent
  • Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End – .8 percent
  • The Last Guardian – .4 percent

Of course, there are games with much more common platinum rates. Undertale, for example, sits at 21.4 percent. But for games of the size and scope of a game like Spider-Man, 10 percent is fairly impressive.

Of course, a few factors give Spider-Man a slight edge. For one, it’s a pretty easy platinum to get; most users on trophy-centric fansite Playstation Trophies rate the game between a 2 and 3 out of 10 in terms of platinum difficulty. It mostly involves circling around the city during and after completing the main story, clearing out the map of icons (most of which involve pretty quick activities), then hitting a couple of secret spots for some hidden trophies.

It can take some time, but it follows along well with what most players are likely to do anyway, whereas many platinum trophies tend to facilitate the use of guide to tell players how to “optimize” their playthrough, often playing in slightly unnatural ways and over multiple playthroughs, to get the trophy. Still, it’s fairly impressive that this many players have stuck the game out to full “completion.”

For more on Spider-Man check out our full review, as well as a number of sick stunts that should probably be trophies.

Source: Game Informer Spider-Man Has One Of The Highest Platinum Trophy Completion Rates For A Major PS4 Game