TSA writes: “With Cyanide Studios upcoming RPG Call of Cthulhu, the iconic short story of the same name is once again being transformed into an interactive and immersive world. We entered the world of this influential H.P. Lovecraft piece once before, with the 2006 video game Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth, but that game tended to lean too heavily into first-person shooter gameplay and survival action to accurately depict the slow, sad and decrepit nature of the source material. Cyanide Studios seems to have a better idea of the style of video game that would fit this piece of fiction, but while the ideas and execution of this atmospheric detective adventure are solid, there are a lot of rough edges and not much time to polish them out before release.”

Source: N4G PC Descending Into Darkness With The First 4 Chapters of Call of Cthulhu (TSA)