Today sees Blizzard’s multiplayer shooter Overwatch bring back its annual Halloween festivities. Halloween Terror 2018 gives players a chance to bag some spooky new skins, as well as pick up some of the previous years’ goodies that are yet to make their way into your Trick or Treat sack.

Eight new skins will be available from today until October 31. These include a cool Banshee getup for science boffin Moira (almost reminiscent of Sindel from Mortal Kombat), a headless suit of armour for the high-flying Moira, an awesome Shape of Water-style sexy-merman skin for Doomfist, another spider-themed outfit for Widowmaker, and a skeletal cowboy gimmick for McCree, that reminds me of TexHex from ’80s cartoon series Bravestarr

Wrecking Ball’s Jack-O-Lantern skin, which sees WB transformed into a ghastly pumpkin – while Hammond gets in on the action with a sinister, gaping-mouthed grin – is very cool. Soldier 76 does his best Jason Voorhees cosplay. But one of my favourites, bias be damned, is Best Girl Sombra, rocking an awesome Bride of Frankenstein number. Multiplayer map Chateau has also had a gothic makeouver, becoming a true Hammer House of Horror. Erm… One that’s full of Universal style monsters though…

You can check out images of the new skins in the gallery below. Overwatch is available now on PS4, PC and Xbox One.

Overwatch Halloween Terror 2018 is underway, check out the new skins right here screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Overwatch Halloween Terror 2018 is underway, check out the new skins right here