10 percent discount on a game about killing minorities, women, LGBTQ and people with left wing opinions? I think I’ll pass.

Over the past few days, trouble has been stirring online over a Brazilian-made game called Bolsomito 2k18. Released via Steam on 6th October, it’s a pixel art beat ’em up which tasks players with purging the country of “the evils of communism” and “the growing corruption and inversion of values that plages [sic] his society”.

Those who have played the game report Bolsomito 2k18 is “an obvious incitation of violence against black, women, LGBT and left-wing people”. “It’s a shame that Steam allowed such a travesty to be released in the first place,” writes user Cyberpunk. “Remember Hatred and Ethnic Cleansing? This is just as bad, if not even worse. Try to imagine Postal without sarcasm. There it is.”

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Source: Eurogamer Valve investigated by Brazilian government over game which incites violence against election candidates