How do you promote the natural beauty and wonder of your state? Why, by comparing it to a post-apocalyptic wasteland, of course!
In one of the strangest collabs I’ve ever heard of, the West Virginia Tourist Office and Bethesda are partnering up to promote the upcoming game Fallout 76, along with the state of West Virginia.
A post on the West Virginia Tourist Office’s website explains some of the thinking behind the move. Players will “explore wild and varied terrain, from Appalachia’s lush forests and rolling mountains to oppressive swamps and post-nuclear ash heaps,” while “discovering hints and subtle nods to West Virginia’s unique landscape, history and culture”. I wonder if the tourist board does a radiation bus tour down those famous country roads? I’ll have to pack some RadAway.
Source: Eurogamer Fallout 76 and West Virginia Tourist Office partner to promote state's natural beauty