IO had a fun little surprise in store for us all, in the form of a new Hitman 2 multiplayer mode. Hey, it beats having a chandelier dropping onto our heads. News editor Imran Khan played the mode, and he provided us with some footage of his experience. He wasn’t able to add commentary, but Jeff Marchiafava, Leo, and I were able to handle that part in today’s NGT.
In the Ghost Mode, players race to complete a series of assassinations. You can see what your opponent is up to, but their actions don’t affect what’s going on in your version of the world. (IO Interactive is working on ways to meddle with your foes, but we didn’t get to see how that might work in this demo.) It’s pretty neat! Watch the video, OK?!
Hitman 2 is coming to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on November 13. For more Hitman 2, you can read Imran’s preview of the new Colombia level and watch 43 minutes of commentary-free gameplay here.
Source: Game Informer New Gameplay Today – Hitman 2's Multiplayer