Update: Earlier today an article in Business Insider announced that the publication had learned during a demo session with the Switch version of Diablo III that Blizzard is planning to bring the crossplay to the title. We reached out to Blizzard for confirmation and the company is downplaying plans, saying outright it has no current plans.

Here’s the statement in full:

While we love the idea of bringing our players together across platforms, we do not have any plans to implement cross-platform gameplay for Diablo at this time.


Original Story (October 12 at 9:57 AM Central): During a recent hands-on demo with the Switch version of Diablo III, Business Insider received a nice little nugget of information. Blizzard told the publication that it’s working to make crossplay between PS4/Xbox One/Switch versions a reality.

Though Blizzard has nothing official to announce yet, the company told Business Insider that it’s in talks with Sony and Microsoft and that “it’s a matter of when, not if.” We’ve reached out to Activision Blizzard for comment and will update the article if the company gets back to us.

For more on Diablo III: Eternal Collection, check out Imran’s hands-on preview of the game here.

[Source: Business Insider]

Source: Game Informer Update: Blizzard Downplays Plans To Bring Bring Crossplay To Diablo 3