Hey, folks. Happy Canadian Thanksgiving! I hope my fellow canucks are enjoying their turkey day, as I had to unfortunately cancel my long weekend plans. Ended up getting a cold or something again. BUT! That just means I finally get a long weekend where I can mostly rest and relax and stuff. So THAT’S pretty awesome in its own way.

Anyway, recaps!

For those unaware, we recappers read and gather up the Cblogs YOU folks write, and then summarize them so you can quickly find and read any you missed! Maybe you’ll even talk a little bit about life along the way. Beforehand, we would do this daily, but now it’s a weekly event! Exciting!

Well, there’s a whole dang bunch for this week, and I don’t really have any complicated thoughts to talk about, so let’s just get to it!

Check out this batch of great community Cblogs from Sept 30 to Oct 06 screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Check out this batch of great community Cblogs from Sept 30 to Oct 06