Soulcalibur fans have waited a number of years for a new game and are finally getting it in the form of Soulcalibur VI. As we wait patiently for release and for the online servers to be turned on, there is still one last trailer to watch before the game officially comes out. Bandai Namco has provided a Soulcalibur launch trailer to get you just a bit more hyped up for the game.

The trailer takes you through the roster, what you can expect from the game’s critical arts and major fights, and even take a look at the game’s story mode and transformation. It turns out everyone has a little bit of a monster in them and some of the others are just straight up monsters.

Soulcalibur VI releases on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on October 19.

Source: Game Informer Soulcalibur VI's Launch Trailer Tells A Tale Of Swords And Souls