This week Kosa(@LadyKosa) joins Tiny(@Tiny415) and Aaron(@Ind1fference) to talk about: Persona 5, Pax West, Luigis Mansion, Halloween, Mindfaire, StarLink, Star Citizen, Riverdale, Adam Ruins Everything, Rogue One, Ready Player One, Analogue Mega Sg, Sega MyCard, Microsoft X018, The Initiative, Fe, Game Pass, World of Warcraft, Super Mario Party, Pokemon Go, Gameboy, Dragalia, The World Ends With You, Pokemon Snap, Zarvot, The Missing JJ Macfield and the Island of Memories, SINNER: Sacrifice for Redemption, My Memory of Us, Skyscrappers, Brawlout, AC Odyssey, Luigis Mansion, Odroid, Advanced Wars, Fire Emblem, D4, Predator 2, Lego Dimensions, Snake Pass, Rockstar, They Live, Hitman 2, Sean Bean, Huawei, Stanley Parable, wrestling, horror movies and more.

Source: N4G PC GameEnthus Podcast ep358: Wrestling with Horror or Wiry Prepped