Sammy J from Gaming Daze writes: Literally dozens of gaming projects are added to Kickstarter all the time, so many in fact that it can be a daunting exercise trying to establish which campaigns are worthy of at least your attention. Fear not, I have done the research for you and found a game that I have personally picked over hundreds of others and have determined that it could be the next game on every Metroidvania fans wish list. I am fully aware that a Metroidvania style game isnt exactly a ground breaking genre these days and that there are so many of them in existence at this point but that doesnt mean to say that there are too many. You can never have too much of a good thing and Bushiden is a promising looking Metroidvania game that is shaping up to be a very welcome addition to the ever growing genre. Lets have a closer look at what Pixel Arc Studios have been cooking up for us.

Source: N4G PC Bushiden A Metroidvania worth supporting