It’s a big day for Fallout. Most eyes are trained on the Fallout 76 beta that goes live later this evening. (It begins on Xbox One at 7pm eastern; here’s how to access the beta.) But there’s another lesser-known project that released today.
After seven years of hard work, the Fallout: New California game has finally released. It’s a Fallout: New Vegas mod that takes place after Fallout 2. It details the war between the Enclave and the New California Republic, and it leads into Fallout 3 and New Vegas. And, unlike that other game, it’s purely single-player.
Developer Radian-Helix Media has crafted a hefty campaign for Fallout: New California. There are approximately 48 quests (give or take depending on what choices you make) and 13 endings. The map is two-thirds the size of New Vegas‘. Radian-Helix expects it’ll take a minimum of 6 hours to finish, but players who are completionists will find themselves stretching it out for approximately 30 hours.
All that’s required to play Fallout: New California is a PC copy of New Vegas. Anyone who bought it through Steam or Humble will have a 4GB update to download. GOG has patched New Vegas so that it’s ready for New California. From there, it’s a 6.6GB download for all the files for the new campaign. For exact instructions, follow the steps on the ModDB page.
It’s also worth noting that this is technically a beta. Fallout: New California is content-complete, but some bugs are going to pop up when it’s in the hands of the masses. Still, it’s a landmark day for Radian-Helix. It took seven years, but everyone can finally play Fallout: New California.
Fallout: New California [ModDB]
Source: Destructoid At long last, Fallout: New California is finished and released