Data East’s beloved Neo Geo sports classic Windjammers is finally available on Switch – and brings all the fancy bells and whistles, including online multiplayer, seen in the recent PlayStation 4 and Vita versions.

Windjammers originally released on Neo Geo in 1994, introducing the world to its spirited arcade take on extreme frisbee – one in which players are plastic-armoured beefcakes and the frisbees are dramatically referred to as Flying Power Discs. The end result is, as Martin Robinson put it in his PS4 review last year, “what happens when Pong meets Street Fighter”.

Each opponent has a handful of special moves, and the goal, simply enough, is to pelt a frisbee into your opponent’s net – with points awarded depending where it strikes. Windjammers is genuine delight, easy to pick up and a devastatingly good time in two-player mode.

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Source: Eurogamer Classic Neo Geo frisb-em-up Windjammers is out now on Switch