Connor Weightman at GameCloud writes: “Its true that theres surprisingly little in the way of innovation in Soulcalibur VI, and Im not one hundred percent on board with condoning a game that takes so few risks and perhaps feels several new characters short of a final product. Yet while this complaint still stands, I can mostly forgive it because, at its best, Soulcalibur VI is a giddy pile of fun. Its fun because its a particularly well-tuned version of the same free-flowing slashy-kicky fest the series has always been, but now its also on PC. Its fun because it has good online matchmaking options that actually seem to work. Its fun because the character creator is ridiculous and good and excessive. Its fun because its an intuitive fighting game that provides some self-improvement tools for the competitively-minded. I like it, basically, despite how it took me a while to be sure I was even playing a new title, and I hope it sticks around for a while.”

Source: N4G PC Soulcalibur VI Review – A Polished Albeit Risk-Averse Take on the Series | GameCloud