Paddy Waring at GameCloud writes: “Despite taking place in a marvellously detailed, humorous, and lively world, the story of The Bards Tale IV: Barrows Deep is rather by-the-numbers, and a lot of the games design harkens back to the old games in the series in the worst, most rigid ways possible. Further to this, even after a few updates, the game is still fraught with technical issues, but it is slowly being patched, and inXile has a good track record for working on their games to improve them. And the good things that are still present in this game are excellent, like the fantastic writing, refreshing approach to puzzle designs, and beautiful music present throughout. The design could also be tweaked to remove the sting of a lot of the older design tropes that cause the most grief. As it stands, the game in its current state is rough as guts, but theres a lot of room for improvement, and Ive faith that it will improve. It will just take time.”

Source: N4G PC The Bard's Tale IV: Barrows Deep Review – A Game for Fans, but Not Many Others | GameCloud