Happy Halloween, fellow VR enthusiasts! To celebrate the creepiest weekend of the year, I decided to stick my face inside a nightmarish survival horror game for your entertainment – ’tis the season to be spooky, after all!

In this week’s episode of Ian’s VR Corner, which you can watch below, I bumble and yelp my way through a couple of scary scenarios in Home Sweet Home, a Thai produced VR horror game that takes inspiration from local mythology and folklore.

Although Home Sweet Home has been out in America since last week, the game isn’t actually available in the UK yet so don’t panic if you can’t find it in the shops. I had to download it from the US PSN store in the end because, with no set release date announced, it’s unclear as to whether or not Home Sweet Home will be released over here at all.

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Source: Eurogamer Home Sweet Home VR brings creepy Thai mythology to life