Capcom has announced that the formidable Elder Dragon Kulve Taroth will finally be making its way to Monster Hunter World on PC this week, but only for a limited time.
Kulve Taroth (which initially came to Monster Hunter World on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 back in April) is a collaborative battle designed for up to 16 players at a time – that’s four groups of four hunters in the same Gathering Hub session. Participants must be Hunter Rank 16, which requires completing the main campaign.
Each party can help progress the Special Investigation quest (called Banquet in the Earthen Hall) either by collecting tracks or by attacking the Kulve Taroth in order to break off different body parts before it leaves the area. Completing different objectives during the fight earns players points, with more points equating to greater rewards.
Source: Eurogamer Elder Dragon Kulve Taroth finally comes to Monster Hunter World on PC this week