Sega has announced that its Mega Drive Classics collection (or Genesis Classics collection, if you must) will be launching on Switch on December 6th.

The compilation, which released on PS4 and Xbox One earlier this year, features over 50 titles from the library of Sega’s legendary 16-bit console – including the likes of Sonic the Hedgehog, Altered Beast, Columns, Dynamite Heady, Golden Axe, Space Harrier 2, Streets of Rage, ToeJam & Earl, and more.

Alongside the emulated games themselves, the Mega Drive Classics collection includes a broad range of additional features designed to enhance the core retro goodness. There’s online multiplayer support (as well as same-screen local co-op play), plus achievements, challenges, mirror modes, save states, and an extremely handy instant rewind.

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Source: Eurogamer Sega Mega Drive Classics gets a December release date on Switch