Warning: Full spoilers for the episode below.
Even though South Park sticks to that September-November timeframe nowadays, it’s only occasionally that the series goes through the trouble of crafting a full-blown Halloween episode. Sometimes the result is an instant classic (2012’s “A Nightmare on Facetime” comes to mind) and other times you wind up with “Goth Kids 3: Dawn of the Posers.” This year’s Halloween special leans more towards the former, luckily. It’s just too bad that slow build-up limited what was possible with “The Scoots.”
With all the current fads just begging to be spoofed by South Park, I’m not sure the e-scooter was anywhere near the top of the list, but that’s the direction the series went this week. The town’s e-scooter invasion made for some humorous moments early on (mostly involving Mr. Mackey’s growing rage at the scooters and the accident-prone hipsters who ride them) but it wasn’t long before the e-scooter gag became just one more dead horse for the writers to beat. I will grant, though, that the e-scooter humor might connect better with city dwellers who have to co-exist with them on a daily basis. I live in one of those parts of the South where public transportation barely exists, so your mileage may vary.
Source: IGN.com South Park's New Halloween Episode Has Great Payoff