Supermassive Games is doing the exact thing I hoped the studio would do after wrapping Until Dawn: it’s making a horror anthology series. The concept isn’t explored enough in gaming, and these are the folks to pull it off. The first title on the docket is Man of Medan, a story about friends who become stranded on what turns out to be a ghost ship. Can you keep them all alive? Do you even want to?

Today’s trailer introduces The Curator, an illusive figure played by Pip Torrens. Supermassive describes him as an “omniscient observer of the protagonists’ progress and choices,” which should sound mighty familiar. Starting with Man of Medan, The Curator will appear in every title in the Dark Pictures series.

I haven’t seen much buzz for The Dark Pictures anthology yet, but seeing as how Man of Medan isn’t out until 2019 (for PC, PS4, and Xbox One), there’s plenty of time left for the marketing machine to do its thing and reach all of the people who fell in love with Until Dawn in the years after it launched.

There’s a market for spooky adventure games, and I’m stoked someone’s making them.

Until Dawn creator's horror anthology series reveals its all-knowing Curator screenshot

Source: Destructoid Until Dawn creator’s horror anthology series reveals its all-knowing Curator