Spider-Man developer Insomniac Games’ eye-searing (and extremely daft) open-world adventure Sunset Overdrive is almost certainly heading to PC, going by a new listing that’s appeared on the ESRB ratings board website in the US.
Sunset Overdrive originally launched in 2014 as an Xbox One exclusive, and saw Insomniac trying its hand at creating an open-world city adventure of its very own – well before it tackled Manhattan in this year’s Spider-Man PS4 outing. Sunset Overdrive is a far from being a traditional open-world outing though; it’s a ludicrous experience, positively heaving with daft jokes, ridiculous creatures and weaponry, and relentlessly over-the-top spectacle.
It helps, too, that its metropolis of Sunset City – besieged, as it is, by deranged humans-turned-monsters following a terrible mishap involving the local fizzy drinks company – is a gleefully designed playground, full of riotous colour and thrilling architectural jumble. It’s perfectly realised for a game that’s a little bit parkour-platformer, a little bit shooter, and it fosters a wonderful sense of fluidity thanks to its tangle of zip-lines and grind rails.
Source: Eurogamer It looks like Insomniac's Sunset Overdrive is heading to PC