New Overwatch hero Ashe is available to try on the PC Public Test Region now. To use the PTR, load your Blizzard/ launcher and select, from the Region/Account dropdown above Overwatch’s Play button, the Public Test Region.

Ashe was unveiled at BlizzCon 2018. She’s the leader of the Deadlock Gang McCree used to run with before he left to join Overwatch’s covert ops department Blackwatch. McCree and Ashe have history.

Ashe is a gunslinger of sorts, packing a repeater rifle rather than six-shooter like McCree. She’s the first Overwatch character to be able to aim down sights and she reloads per bullet rather than per clip. Ashe also packs dynamite she can leave to either explode on the floor or detonate mid-air with a shot.

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Source: Eurogamer New Overwatch hero Ashe playable on Public Test Region now