It’s safe to say that the Nintendo Switch has replaced the Vita as a portable indie beast. Over the last year and a half, Nintendo’s hybrid device has amassed quite the collection of impressive indie titles. No one device lets you go from playing Super Mario Odyssey to The Binding of Isaac without even getting out of your chair. It is truly the best time to be a Nintendo fan.
Just last week, Amanita Design’s wonderful Machinarium, an ode to point-and-click adventure games, released on the device. Sporting all of the features of both the Vita and PC ports, I could definitely see some people claiming this new Switch version is the definitive way to play this charming little game.
Since I reviewed the PC update just last year, I’ll save you a long explanation of the game. I’ve beaten it numerous times over the years thanks to PS Plus, a Humble Bundle purchase and Amanita sending me a PS4 code out of the blue (thank you so much!), so I’m pretty much an expert at this point. When I’ve got a lull in releases and am looking for something to bide my time, I tend to boot up Machinarium and just soak in the atmosphere.
Source: Destructoid Machinarium on Switch is a great way to experience this quirky classic