There’s a saying all the best things in life are free, and now you can add PUBG to that list, as the game is currently free to download on the Microsoft Store. For a limited time.
PUBG for Xbox currently costs around £14.50 on places like Amazon, so it seems like a good opportunity to try the game without paying a penny. The store listing suggests the full product can be played for a limited period, like a temporary demo, rather than something to keep permanently.
With Xbox’s upcoming X018 show this weekend (for which the company has promised “big PUBG news”) it’s likely the current giveaway is part of the announcements in the show. Who knows what else Microsoft has up its sleeves. The timing is also particularly interesting in the context of PUBG arriving on PS4 sometime this December. Making the game free may tempt some to play it on Xbox rather than PlayStation, and Microsoft can still take a cut of any in-game currency purchased via the store. Many have also argued PUBG should have been made free long ago to make it more competitive with Fortnite – and a free trial could help boost player numbers on the platform.
Source: Eurogamer PUBG temporarily free to play on Xbox One