The Lord of the Rings Online has hopped on the World of Warcraft Classic bandwagon and launched its own legacy – Legendary, as it’s called – service.

The LOTRO Anor server takes players back to the very beginning of the 2007 game, to Shadows of Angmar and a level cap of 50. Crucially, everyone begins again, which means the captivating chance to level quickly and make a name for yourself has returned. The level cap and story will unlock “over time”.

But LOTRO will do a few things differently to WoW. Notably races and classes added long after release will be available in the vanilla experience, and all the many bug fixes, gameplay improvements and user interface updates will remain. There’s a LOTRO Legendary FAQ with more precise detail. Note, you’ll need to be a VIP subscriber to access the Legendary server.

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Source: Eurogamer Lord of the Rings Online hops on bandwagon and launches vanilla server