Playground Games has announced that the first of Forza Horizon 4’s two expansions is called Fortune Island and will be released on 13th December.
As you might gather from the title, Fortune Island will add a new off-shore area to Forza Horizon 4’s map. The fictional island resides in “the remote northern reaches of the British Isles” – Shetland, then – and, like other Forza Horizon expansions before it, will focus on extreme weather conditions and demanding driving: “fierce lightning storms, perilous cliffside dirt roads, and sweeping paved mountain switchbacks under the mystical glow of the aurora borealis”, it says here. Maybe not Shetland.
The press release also mentions a search for “hidden treasure”: new Barn Find cars, perhaps?
Source: Eurogamer Forza Horizon 4's first expansion goes off-shore