Suzaku and Top Hat Studios addressed the recent spat between mostly Japanese developers and Sony over the new censorship policy for the PS4. The developers addressed these concerns in relation to their game Sense: A Cyberpunk Ghost Story, which is scheduled to release on the PS4 and PS Vita.
The news was rolled out over on the Kickstarter page for the game, where the developer and the publishing partner both had their say on Sonys new policy. Ben Widdowson, one of the developers at Suzaku, explained in the post that they dont support censorship of art (obviously, given the sexy nature of the game Sense) and that at the same time they understand the position of other developers who did choose to censor their art in order to keep their games on the PlayStation platform.
Source: N4G PC Project Sense Devs Address Sonys New Ps4 Censorship Policy