Tetris Effect is out now for PlayStation 4 and it’s a bit bloody special, as Christian Donlan explained in our Tetris Effect review last week and as we hope you have discovered for yourselves by now.

Digital Foundry’s John Linneman is also a huge fan, describing Tetsuya Mizuguchi’s spectacular synaesthetic version of the classic puzzle game as “the best Tetris experience I’ve ever had, and one of my favourite gaming experiences in decades. It’s that good.” Strong words – especially since, it turns out, John has played an awful lot of Tetris games.

In his latest DF Retro video, John traces the evolution of Tetris through many of its console, PC, handheld and arcade versions across the 80s, 90s and 00s, from ubiquitous classics like Game Boy Tetris to far-out esoterica like the supremely chill version of Tetris for the Philips CD-i. He finishes with a deep dive on Tetris Effect and why he thinks it’s the best of the lot.

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Source: Eurogamer The evolution of Tetris – and why Tetris Effect is "the perfect game"