Battle Princess Madelyn, a retro indie platformer that was Kickstarted in March 2017, has been eagerly anticipated by classic platforming fans that feel unheard by Capcom ignoring the Ghouls ‘n’ Ghosts series for so many years. The title doesn’t hide its inspirations, though it does one-up Arthur by giving the titular main character a stronger motivation: her dog died and she’s going to get some revenge. There’s also some stuff about saving her family and her kingdom, but her dog seems to be more important.
You can check out the release date trailer below.
The title is developed by Casual Bit Games, who is best known for Insanity’s Blade. Creative designer Christopher Obritsch’s daughter, named Madelyn, enjoyed watching him play Capcom’s classic platformer, but wished it was her in the game fighting the “Green Head” enemy, the Shielder. This inspired Obristch to actually feature his daughter in a game in pink armor she wanted to wear.
Battle Princess Madelyn is releasing on PS4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC on December 6. Rather remarkably, Vita and Wii U ports will follow sometime in 2019.
Source: Game Informer Ghouls 'n' Ghosts-Inspired Platformer Battle Princess Madelyn Coming Next Month