Sabrina the Teenage Witch is receiving a new miniseries written by Kelly Thompson, known for her work with Marvel on Uncanny X-Men, West Coast Avengers, Jessica Jones and more.

Revealed by Entertainment Weekly, Sabrina the Teenage Witch #1 will go on sale March 27 as the first of a five-part miniseries. In contrast to Archie Comics’ darker Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, this will reportedly return to the franchise’s more lighthearted roots. The miniseries is being illustrated by Veronica and Andy Fish.

“Sabrina is one of the most fascinating and story-rich properties at Archie, so I feel incredibly lucky to get the opportunity to build in that world,” said Thompson. “Because Chilling Adventures of Sabrina already exists and is brilliant, readers should expect something a little different in our book, a modern interpretation of the classic. One of my favorite things to do is come in and modernize a wonderful classic, and I hope with this incredible team on board we can do something really special with Sabrina.”

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Source: Sabrina the Teenage Witch Returns With New Comic From Uncanny X-Men Writer