Epic Games’ worldwide phenomenon Fortnite has let rip with another wacky limited time event, which sees the in-universe brands of Pizza Pit and Durr Burger going head-to-head in all-out, hold the mayo warfare.

Food Fight sees two teams – The Tomatoheads and The Beef Bosses – fight it out it a battle to destroy the opposing teams restaurant. A dividing wall allows the factions to build up the defences around their hallowed ground, before dropping after a few minutes and all hell breaking loose. The first team to decimate their opponent’s base will be crowned fast food kings.

Helping you out in said mode is Fortnite’s all-new mounted turret, which allows players to stream off bullets for insane damage. The new weapon seems custom designed for positioning on your fort to fend off attacks would-be invaders. Rat-a-tat-tat. Finally, Epic Games has pulled the Glider Redeploy option from all standard game modes.  While no specific reason was given for the removal, clearly the ability was found to be having a negatory effect on gameplay.

Fortnite is available now on PS4, PC, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and iOS and Android devices

Who will be the last burger standing in Fortnite Food Fight? screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Who will be the last burger standing in Fortnite Food Fight?