Blizzard just added an amazing item for the 14th anniversary of World of Warcraft: the Overtuned Corgi Goggles. The description doesn’t mess around, as they literally allow you to view the world as if it were inhabited by corgis. Here’s how to nab them.
If you’re Alliance, head to Stormwind and fly to the back of the keep in the tiny cloyster highlighted in the gallery map below. Talk to Historian Llore and hand over 200 Timewarped Badges (earned by doing Timewarped content, which you can easily spam in the dungeon finder) for the goggles. If you’re Horde, go to Orgrimmar near the embassy in the southwest corner of the city and speak to Historian Ju’pa.
If you’ve never done Timewarped content before you can net a cool 75 badges from easy intro quests. Or open the 14th celebration package and get 200 badges automatically. If it is not showing up try logging back on.
Source: Destructoid Here’s where to find the World of Warcraft goggles that morph everyone into a corgi