Cam is a uniquely thrilling film not just because it sits comfortably inside the genre and delivers at almost every turn, but also because it’s a film about sex work that feels interesting, authentic, and most importantly authentic. That realism comes begins with Daniel Goldhaber’s tight direction–which tends to be pretty neutral until they want to ramp up the paranoia, which is done to startling effect–but it mostly stems from writer Isa Mazzei, an ex-cam girl herself.
Madeline Brewer takes on the role of Lola, a young woman whose ascending career as a cam girl takes on a horrific edge when she wakes up to discover her channel has been taken on by an impostor who looks scarily like her. Brewer does a great job balancing the dual roles. Her performance as the original Lola is a ball of shredded nerves, bitten fingernails, and palpable fear, whereas the impostor is a more polished, outgoing, and reckless version of our protagonist.
Source: Netflix's CAM Review