Our Fallout 76 review in progress continues today, but this should be the last update before I’m able to slap a final score on it. I’ve safely crossed into “endgame” territory, having hit level 50 this weekend and wrapped up some of the long main and faction-driven quest chains. My hopes were that later levels would reveal more ways to meaningfully interact with the checklist-style quest system, the almost non-existent player-versus-player elements, and the cooperative aspects. But while some improvements are there, I’ve been left with the feeling that, like war, the gameplay of Fallout 76 never changes no matter what level you’re at.
Those quest chains set the stage for Fallout 76’s hardest challenges: launching nukes from one of three silos scattered across West Virginia to briefly alter the landscape. And while I’ll focus on trying that for myself next, I’ve already seen a number of teams launch nukes and played around with their aftermath in the high-level, highly irradiated blast zones they leave. I’ve started to get a feel for the rare materials, resources, and equipment you’ll find in them… and I’ve been underwhelmed so far.
Source: IGN.com Fallout 76 Review In Progress – Update 2