The long and winding tale of Telltale’s closure has sprouted another branch as Skybound Games has confirmed that development has restarted on the game today. After Telltale Games closed its doors in the middle of The Walking Dead’s final season, Skybound announced they would be finishing up the final two episodes in early October using Telltale’s former developers.

“After Telltale shut its doors, the game was, unfortunately, unable to be worked on and hence the release dates of Episodes 3 and 4 have been delayed,” Skybound wrote in a blog post today. “But, we’re excited to let you know that many of the talented, passionate team members who originally worked on the game are resuming development efforts today!”

The phrasing of “most of the team members” certainly implies that it is not the entire team from Telltale, which does make sense. Many were probably not able to take temporary work to finish the final two episodes, though Skybound’s CEO has said he wanted the game to be entirely developed by former Telltale staff. It is not clear if the team will be retained after the two episodes are finished.

The final season will go off sale for a few days while it transitions to Skybound. Those who have payed for the season already won’t have to pay again and the episodes will simply populate in their accounts as if Telltale had never closed.

Skybound was vague about when the remaining two episodes would come, but considering how awkward the transition would assuredly have to be, it’s extremely unlikely we’ll see hide nor hair of episodes 3 and 4 in 2019. Telltale recently began procedures to file bankruptcy and liquidate its remaining assets.

Source: Game Informer The Walking Dead: The Final Season Has Restarted Development At Skybound Games