Movies are expensive, and studios are constantly looking for ways to cut down on those costs. And one of the most popular ways to do that is through “product placement,” a practice in which corporations pay movie studios to prominently feature their products on camera. The more screen time, the more the characters talk about it, the more it’s ingrained into the plot of the movie, the more money the studio generally gets. And now, with Ralph Breaks the Internet hitting theaters – with a slew of (apparently intentionally cute rather than greedy) product placement – what better time to take a look at this strange, if perhaps necessary at times, phenomenon?

And let’s be fair, a lot of the time we hardly notice or care. The characters are probably using a cell phone anyway, so it’s no big deal if it’s the latest iPhone or whatever. But sometimes the product placement goes completely off the rails, forcing filmmakers to bend over backwards to incorporate one or more products into the movie, whether it makes sense or not.

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Source: Ralph Breaks the Internet and the Worst Product Placement in Movie History